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Book: Real World Haskell

Real World Haskell is a great book with examples on how to use and apply Haskell to the real world problems. While reading it I put here a breakdown of important points I learn in each chapter, so I can better memorize and return later to it when I need it.

Chapter 9. I/O case study - a library for searching the filesystem

  • Introduces combinators - function that takes other functions as arguments and returns new function

Chapter 10. Parsing a binary data format

Besides just parsing, this chapter puts even more focus on how to organize code and use higher-order functions to reduce boilerplate and duplication (introduces techniques that monads and functors provide for us).

  • Prefer ADS (algebraic data structures) over e.g. tuples for passing the state -> ADS is easier to modify/extend since it does not depend on the internal structure of the data (like tuples do).
  • Don’t put constraints when defining a data type, but rather on specific functions that require it. That way we keep our code more general and don’t make unneccessary assumptions.
  • Introduces a term of lifting a function - make it work with parametrized types.
  • Functor - not only for values “inside” of a container, but also for functions.
  • Introduces monad techniques for handling context by implementing them themselves.

Chapter 11. Testing and quality assurance

Introduces QuickCheck as a testing tool for Haskell. What is cool is that it can generate test cases for us.

  • We can define a property for which we want to always hold true - QuickCheck will randomly generate test cases for us
  • We can define a model implementation and also test that (e.g. our implementation of sort vs. standard library sort) -> no special syntax, uses the same mechanism as above
  • With HPC (Haskell Program Coverage) we can observe test coverage of our code in details and identify the weak spots

Further reading:

Chapter 12. Barcode recognition

This chapter takes as an example a problem of decoding a barcode from the image, but its main purpose is to introduce new data structures, namely Data.Array and Data.Map.

Going through the example was a bit lengthy and not so easy to follow in the first reading, but it seems to not be using a lot of new techniques besides using the mentioned data structures.

To summarize:

  • Introduces Data.Array and Data.Map, demonstrates how to use them on the example of recognizing a barcode from the image.

Chapter 13. Data Structures

  • Associative lists [(key, value)] vs Map
  • xs ++ ys has quadratic complexity, introduces difference list (5++) . (3++)...
  • Data.Sequence offers improved performance for lists

Chapter 14. Monad

Introduces monads formally, explains them on a few exammples:

  • Maybe monad - helps us avoid “staircasing”, unwraping and matching Maybe values continuously.
  • State monad - helps us pass around a state (e.g. parsing file, generating random values) without having to do it explicitly.
  • Introduced liftM method(s) - applies function to the inside of Monad
  • Implemented our own Monad - Logger which can log things along doing computations

Chapter 15. Programming with monads

  • Introduces generalised lifting via ap (<*>), instead of liftMN
  • Introduced MonadPlus typeclass - useful to avoid case
  • When using newtype, we can enable directive GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving - to e.g. derive Monad typeclass
  • Introduced first and second method for applying functions to pair members
  • Introduced multi-param type classes - uh
  • “Hiding IO”, making it safe - wrap it in a newtype
  • Introduced liftIO - escape hatch from a monad to another monad
  • Define monad’s interface through a type class - separate interface from an implementation
  • Introduced Reader and Writer monad